
62 pages 2 hours read

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2006

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Preface-Chapter 2Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Preface Summary

The Preface begins in the “Red House”—the Tel Aviv headquarters of the Hagana, the underground militia of the Zionists—on March 10, 1948. On this day, explains Pappé, 11 Zionist leaders “put the final touches to a plan for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine” (13). This plan, known as Plan D (from the Hebrew word Dalet), would use violence to expel the Indigenous Arab and Muslim population of Palestine to make way for the exclusively Jewish state imagined by the founders. The result of Plan D, which took six months to complete, was the displacement of over half of Palestine’s Indigenous population of nearly 800,000 people, the destruction of 531 villages, and the emptying of 11 urban neighborhoods.

Pappé defines this event—known to Palestinians as the Nakba, or “catastrophe”—as a case of ethnic cleansing and thus as a crime against humanity. According to Pappé, the mass dispossession of Palestinians in 1948 is one of few modern crimes against humanity that remains widely unacknowledged as such. Pappé emphasizes the importance of a historiographical account that reassesses prevailing Israeli narratives so that the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians can be addressed politically and morally.

According to the Israeli narrative, 1948 saw a mass “voluntary transfer” of Palestinians who temporarily left their homes to make way for invading Arab armies seeking to destroy the fledgling Jewish state. Beginning in the 1970s, historians such as Walid Khalidi and Michael Palumbo challenged this picture, and from the 1980s the “new historians” in Israel (including Benny Morris and Pappé himself) sought to revise the Zionist narratives. Pappé sets himself apart by using Arab sources in addition to Israeli sources.

Pappé states the thesis of his book: that the Palestinian displacement of 1948 was the result not of war, but rather that “the main goal was the ethnic cleansing of all of Palestine” (17). Pappé hopes that acknowledging this can lead to peace between the Palestinians and Israelis. Finally, Pappé distinguishes his account from the two competing historical narratives of the conflict that currently prevail: the Zionist/Israeli narrative of voluntary departure, on the one hand, and the Palestinian narrative of a Nakba carried out by a hostile foe, on the other. Pappé argues that his paradigm of ethnic cleansing will frame the history of the conflict in a new way that will help more people better understand the situation.

Chapter 1 Summary: “An ‘Alleged’ Ethnic Cleansing?”

The first section of Chapter 1, “Definitions of Ethnic Cleansing,” lays out the definitions of “ethnic cleansing” that Pappé will be working with. Pappé quotes Hutchinson Encyclopedia’s definition of ethnic cleansing:

[E]xpulsion by force in order to homogenise [sic] the ethnically mixed population of a particular region or territory. The purpose of expulsion is to cause the evacuation of as many residences as possible, by all means at the expeller’s disposal, including non-violent ones, as happened with the Muslims in Croatia, expelled after the Dayton agreement of November 1995. (21)

This basic definition is also accepted by the US State Department and the UN, as well as by academics. Surveying the literature on ethnic cleansing, Pappé adds that the most common tactic of ethnic cleansing is depopulation, often with retribution as a pretext; that ethnic cleansing often makes use of violence; that ethnic cleansing is associated with nationalism; and that while ethnic cleansing may involve a master plan, the troops involved often know what to do without receiving direct orders. Ethnic cleansing is regarded by the international community as a crime against humanity punishable by international law. Pappé takes issue with the use of the qualifier “alleged” for cases of ethnic cleansing that were never brought before an international tribunal—such as the ethnic cleansing of Palestine—opining that this qualifier should not be used with cases that are so clear-cut.

In the next section, “Ethnic Cleansing as a Crime,” Pappé looks at ethnic cleansing as a crime against humanity in international law. He discusses the members of the Zionist “Consultancy” or “Consultant Committee” involved in Plan D—figures such as David Ben-Gurion, Yigael Yadin, Moshe Dayan, and Yitzhak Rabin—and states that their involvement in ethnic cleansing must be acknowledged. Pappé recommends a rule of obsolescence for this case of ethnic cleansing as the only way to achieve peace, but only on the condition that Palestinian refugees be allowed to return to their homes.

In the final section of Chapter 1, “Reconstructing an Ethnic Cleansing,” Pappé recaps the arguments of earlier historians such as Nur Masalha establishing “the origins of Zionism as the ideological cause of the ethnic cleansing” (26). The idea of ethnic cleansing, Pappé explains, was deeply rooted in Zionist thought by 1948.

Pappé ends the chapter by taking a moment to consider the scale of the “relative numbers” involved in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, emphasizing that “[h]alf of the indigenous people living in Palestine were driven out, half of their villages and towns were destroyed, and only very few among them ever managed to return” (27-28). Pappé reflects upon the “deep chasm between reality and representation that is most bewildering in the case of Palestine” (28), lamenting the extent to which the events of 1948 are misrepresented and that the true situation is often ignored.

Chapter 2 Summary: “The Drive for an Exclusively Jewish State”

In the first section of Chapter 2, “Zionism’s Ideological Motivation,” Pappé lays out the ideology of Zionism from its emergence in the 1880s. The Zionists’ objective was to create a home for the Jewish people, eventually setting their sights on Palestine, the Eretz Israel of the Jewish religion. However, Jewish presence in Palestine was still very limited when the British occupied Palestine in 1918, with Jewish people forming no more than 5% of the country’s total population. Pappé writes that many Palestinians initially ignored the Zionists, though some “sensed the looming danger” and tried to limit or prevent Jewish immigration to Palestine (30). Pappé acknowledges that the main motivation of most Zionists was to escape centuries of persecution in the West.

In Palestine, the Zionists were able to win support from Western powers, especially the British. British administrators such as Lloyd George preferred Jewish immigrants to the Muslim inhabitants of Palestine. Gradually, Zionist ideology became increasingly nationalist, and the result was a drive for an exclusively Jewish state.

In 1917, the British Foreign Secretary Lord Balfour passed a mandate for a national home for Jews in Palestine. This mandate was not well received by the Palestinian population and soon led to violence. The unrest led the British government to introduce a political structure that would give equal political power to both communities. In practice, Pappé claims, this plan was more advantageous to the Jewish Zionists than to the Indigenous Palestinians. The plan was initially accepted by the Zionists but not by the Palestinians, then by the Palestinians and not by the Zionists. Tensions erupted in the 1929 and 1936 Palestinian uprisings, which culminated in a brutal British intervention and the expulsion of much of the Palestinian leadership by 1939. With the Palestinian position weakening, the Zionists began demanding more and more of Palestine for themselves.

The second section, “Military Preparations,” describes the militarization of the Zionists in the 1930s, encouraged and assisted by British officers such as Orde Charles Wingate. In this period, the Zionists’ principal militia, the Hagana, rapidly transformed. There were more violent confrontations between the Hagana and Palestinian communities, with the Zionists aiming to intimidate their Palestinian neighbors.

The third section, “The Village Files,” discusses the plan of the academic Ben-Zion Luria to compile a registry of Arab villages in Palestine. The Jewish National Fund (JNF)—the Zionist agency in charge of acquiring Palestinian land for Jewish settlers—seized on this plan. Yossef Weitz, the head of the settlement department of the JNF, immediately saw the potential of the “village files” to help the Zionists get their hands on Palestinian land more quickly, though by the end of the Mandate in 1948, the Zionists still controlled only around 5.8% of the land in Palestine. Other figures involved in the development of the village files included Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, Moshe Shertock (Sharett), and Ezra Danin. By the late 1930s, the village files were nearly complete, including information on the demographics of Palestinian villages, their agriculture and economy, and individuals who were considered a threat to the Zionist movement.

By the 1940s, the Zionist leadership’s main obstacle was not Palestinian resistance but the British presence in the country. The British had already destroyed Palestinian leadership by the end of the 1930s; British imperial rule was now the only political barrier to complete Zionist governance. The Zionist leadership thus became more aggressive in their demands for a Jewish commonwealth and began trying to push the British out of Palestine.

In the final section of Chapter 2, “David Ben-Gurion: The Architect,” Pappé turns to David Ben-Gurion, the leader of the Zionist movement from the mid-1920s until the 1960s. Ben-Gurion was a strong advocate for the establishment of a purely Jewish nation-state achieved through the removal of the Palestinians. Ben-Gurion realized that the Zionists would need to use force to achieve their aims, but he also knew that they needed to wait for the right moment to strike. In the 1940s, the Zionists began to launch terrorist attacks against the British in power. Though the British responded mildly to these Jewish terrorist attacks, especially when compared with their harsh response to the Palestinians in earlier decades, Ben-Gurion realized that the Zionists would need to become more flexible. Still, he continued to insist that the Zionists demand at least 80% of the country from the British.

Ben-Gurion became more and more obsessed with “security” (bitachon) against the Palestinian majority as well as Arab neighbors who might support Palestinians. In 1946 and 1947, when it was clear that the British were soon going to depart, Ben-Gurion and the Zionists developed Plan C (in Hebrew, Gimel), also known as the Elimelech Plan, after Hagana commander Elimelech Avnir. This plan was directed at preparing a Jewish military for an offensive against the Palestinians when the British left the country, with the aim of deterrence and retaliation against Palestinian communities. The village files would enable this offensive. Plan C was soon replaced by Plan D, the objective of which was the total expulsion of the Palestinians from the Jewish state.

Preface-Chapter 2 Analysis

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine is a revisionist history that challenges the traditional, pro-Israel narrative of the events surrounding the emergence of the State of Israel in the 1940s. According to this traditional narrative, the Zionists fought against a hostile Arab population that received outside help from an allied pan-Arab force that sought to expel them from a land to which they had a legal right. In this view, the Indigenous Palestinians that left the country—nearly 800,000 people in total—left “voluntarily.” Modern Israelis still refer to the events of 1948 as their “War of Independence” (Milchemet Ha’atzmaut in Hebrew). For the Palestinians who had to leave their lands in 1948, on the other hand, this conflict has come to be known as the Nakba, or “Catastrophe.” Beginning in the 1970s and 1980s, many historians began to challenge the Israeli narrative. Among these revisionist historians is a group of Israeli historians known as the “new historians.” The common goal of these historians was to highlight how the Zionists selectively modified their presentation of the historical narrative to cast the new State of Israel in a positive light and the Palestinians that they dispossessed in a negative light. This ideological reworking on the part of the Zionists and the Israeli state illustrates The Role of Historical Narratives in State and Identity Building. What it means to be Palestinian and Israeli, as well as the nature of the State of Israel, depends upon the story of Israel’s founding.

The book argues that the prevailing “paradigm of war” (17), as Pappé calls it, is misleading and inaccurate. Pappé’s goal is to replace the paradigm of war with the paradigm of ethnic cleansing, which he claims more accurately describes the events that have unfolded in Palestine since the mid-20th century. In the Preface, Pappé describes Plan D (or Dalet) the Zionist leadership in 1948 as “a clear-cut case of an ethnic cleansing operation, regarded under international law today as a crime against humanity” (14). In Chapter 1, Pappé rigorously defines The Nature of Ethnic Cleansing, citing academic, diplomatic, and popular definitions of the term. He emphasizes that cases of ethnic cleansing tend to involve violence and war crimes that are motivated by nationalism. The Zionist project, Pappé writes, could only come about “through the creation in Palestine of a purely Jewish state, both as a safe haven for Jews from persecution and a cradle for a new Jewish nationalism. And such a state had to be exclusively Jewish not only in its socio-political structure but also in its ethnic composition” (29). Israel’s Plan D was designed to achieve this end, and, therefore, matches the agreed-upon criteria of a case of ethnic cleansing.

Pappé takes issue with many of his fellow new historians as well, complaining that these scholars still produce only “a very partial picture” of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because they do not incorporate The Experiences of the Palestinian Diaspora (16), described in numerous written and oral accounts that Pappé regards as underutilized. For Pappé, replacing the outdated paradigm of war with his paradigm of ethnic cleansing is important because it will allow for a more accurate understanding of the conflict and an acknowledgment of the depth of the Palestinians’ suffering. As Pappé writes, “I have no doubt that the absence so far of the paradigm of ethnic cleansing is part of the reason why the denial of the catastrophe has been able to go on for so long” (17). The paradigm of war casts both sides as combatants; the paradigm of ethnic cleansing uncovers the suffering of ordinary people as a result of displacement, oppression, and discrimination.

In his early chapters, Pappé sets out to demonstrate that the removal of Palestinian people from their homes was premeditated, an important component of The Nature of Ethnic Cleansing. By highlighting how organized the Zionist ethnic cleansing operation was—for instance, through the creation of the “Village Files”—Pappé aims to prove that the dispossession of the Palestinian population was not an incidental result of war but rather deliberate. The Zionists’ longstanding intention to expel the Palestinians can be seen in the actions they took to make this plan possible from the 1920s, if not earlier. Much of Chapter 2 deals with events from the 1920s and 1930s that highlight the nationalist ideology that shaped Zionist aims and that would eventually lead to the ethnic cleansing operations of the 1940s, all spearheaded by David Ben-Gurion.

Though Pappé’s tone is polemical throughout, he emphasizes that his overarching goal is not solely accusatory. Pappé asserts that he regards it as a “moral imperative” to reject the traditional narrative of the 1948 conflict and accept the revisionist narrative of ethnic cleansing precisely because this is the only way to “create a better future for us all, Palestinians and Israelis alike” (18). Thus, though Pappé does employ terminology from international law (“ethnic cleansing,” “crimes against humanity,” “war crimes,” etc.), he admits that it is not reasonable to demand that anyone be brought to trial for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, especially since most of the key figures who perpetuated the ethnic cleansing are deceased. He does, however, recommend that the displaced persons be allowed to return to their lands. Above all, Pappé advocates for an acknowledgment of what the Palestinians experienced at the hands of the Zionists in 1948, presenting his book as an effort to encourage this acknowledgment.

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